

“What’s this?”, you say. “The Muppet List? What’s it all about?”. This, The Muppet List, will be a figurative dumping ground for the many Muppets-related theories that occupy my brain space each and every day. I’m writing it for two reasons:

Reason One: Maintaining Existing Friendships.

Thinking and talking about The Muppets is one of my very favourite things to do. Few things content me as much as some one asking me to explain an idea I have about The Muppets. I get a tremendous kick out of a real conversation about what I consider to be the best television show and bunch of movies EVER. There’s a problem with all of that though: not that many people are interested in listening to a lengthy speech about why The Muppets are so wonderful. This blog is an attempt to fix that problem. Maybe writing about The Muppets will reduce the nearly constant urge to change every topic of conversation to something Kermit/Fozzie/Piggy/whoever related. Maybe in writing this, I’ll be that bit less-likely to exhaust (and annoy) the patient ears my friends so kindly lend me when the Kermit enthusiasm is boiling over. We shall see.

Reason 2: Maybe It’s Not Just Me.

Perhaps, out there in the world there’s another person who thinks the things I think about the Muppets. If I found a blog about this, I’d wriggle my toes with excitement to get my brain stuck into some Muppets theories. I’d like to think that some one would stumble across this and think “Yay! Me TOO!”. Then, maybe their reading would serve as a little release, some Muppet indulgence that would keep them from melting their friends’ ears too. That’d be nice. Probably won’t happen… maybe though.